Structural modeling of economic choices of heterogeneous agents

REMARK: Consumption and Portfolio Choice Over the Life Cycle

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  • Velásquez-Giraldo
  • Zahn


This REMARK is an attempt to reproduce the main results of Cocco, Gomes, & Maenhout (2005), 'Consumption and Portfolio Choice Over the Life Cycle' (


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Install econ-ark on your computer (Quick Start Guide then follow these instructions:

  1. At a command line, change the working directory to the one where you want to install
    • On MacOS/unix, if you install in the /tmp directory, the installation will disappear after a reboot:
    • cd /tmp
  2. git clone --recursive
  3. cd CGMPortfolio
  4. jupyter notebook Code/Python/CGMPortfolio.ipynb
